Gesu Catholic Church and School
17139 OAK DRIVE, 48221
NeighborhoodUniversity District
Practice Type
Additional Practice Type
- Bioretention,Bioswale,DownspoutDisconnection,RainBarrel
Project DescriptionThere are two bioswales on the front lawn of Gesu school which are intended to capture water from the roof of the school and route it into one of two rain gardens. These bioretention ponds are calculated to hold water from a 100-year storm. In the courtyard, Gesu created six, 30” high planters for a total of 1,617.5 cubic feet of volume to capture roof water. 42 downspouts have been redirected so rainwater permeates to groundwater. Gesu has a small rain garden on Oak Drive.
Reason for ProjectEnvironmental Benefits
Project Details
Received Drainage CreditYes
Public or PrivatePrivate
DesignerWade Trim
InstallerContract Build LLC
MaintainerGesu Staff
Project Owner TypeFaith-Based
Practice Area29,972 sq ft
Acres Managed0.20 Acres
Million Gallons Managed Annually0.37 million gallons
Pipe Diameter (in)24.00 in.
Project Cost$139,799
Annual Maintenance Cost$1,000